トップ > 全て無料!eBay英語文例集 > 売り手 > 出品文例 > 模造刀類に関して
商品構成:刀身(大小)・模造刀 刀装具・刀剣・鍔・縁頭・目貫・小柄・鞘
Merchandise line: blade(long/short), artificial blade, sword items, sword, sword guard, Fuchigashira (edged metal part), Menuki (engraving on holding part), Kozuka (small knife attached to holding part), Saya (sheath)
サイズ:大 全長**cm 刃長**cm 反り**mm
小 全長**cm 刃長**cm 反り15mm
Size: Long total length**cm, blade length**cm, curvature**mm Short total length**cm, blade length**cm, curvature 15mm
状態: 傷一つない。僅かな擦れはあるが状態は良好。新品。完品。
Condition: No scratch, some minor wear marks but still in good condition, a brand-new and completed
備考:刃文は互ノ目乱れ 亜鉛合金製
Note: The blade pattern (Hamon) is like waving. It is made with zinc alloy.
Others: sword items, sword guard, Fuchigashira, Menuki, Kozuka, Kougai (implement), Tsuka(holding part), sword(刀剣、太刀), Japanese sword, Wakizashi (short sword), Saya, Kosae(sword holder), long and short sword, armor(甲冑、具足), Yoroi, Kabuto, antiques, armor items and more.
I have these items available so if you are interested, contact me with your needs.
・ 刀身:全長88cm、刀長62cm、反り15mm
・ 刀:100%手製。見事です。
・ 柄:縁頭には鬼の顔が施され、目貫には立派な桜の木が彫られています。
・ 鞘:入手困難なレアものです。鮮やかなオレンジ色が魅力です。
This is Japanese SWORD putting up for sale!
This sword is originally manufactured at the end of Edo period when the era of Samurai is over.
The item is in good condition. You may find some minor scratches on blade, but they are unnoticeable overall. Other sword items are also in good condition.
The item details are shown as below.
・ Size: total length(88cm), blade length(62cm), curvature(15mm)
・ Blade: it is 100% handmade. Looks gorgeous.
・ Tsuka (Holding part): There is inscribed the face of demon on Fuchigashira (edge metal part) and cherry blossom trees is engraved on the Menuki at holding part.
・ Saya (Sheath): It is a rare collection. Vivid orange color is amazing.
Don’t miss this chance. Good luck on bidding!!